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Record Search and Translations

You are doing your own genealogical research and you can’t find a record on your own
or you can’t read it and understand it ?
You can just order a missing record you have not been able to find so far or ask for a full or summary translation.From Portuguese to English or French or from French to Portuguese or English.
Record search and digital copy, before 1910:
- Less than one hour of research: 20 € (US $25) per document.
- More than one hour of research: 50 € (US $60) per document.
Record translation:
- Record summary translation : 5 € (US $6)
- Full record translation : 30 € (US $35)

French marriage record, 1839

French marriage record, 1864

French marriage record, 1900

Portuguese marriage record, 1898

Spanish baptism record, 1634

Portuguese baptism records, 1673
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