You start building your tree from scratch but you want an easy-to-use and eye-candy genealogy program ?
Take a look at Ahnenblatt. It has more pros than cons and it is a full-featured computer program.
You can download the installation package from the official website :
Ahnenblatt has a free version and another paid version with more options.
▪It is a multilingual genealogy program (available in 23 languages) which runs smoothly on all
operating systems:
- on Windows because it is a Windows program,
- on Mac OS,
- on Linux distibutions through Wine ( Zorin OS, Mint, Ubuntu …),
- on ChromeOS on a chromebook by using Linux apps
▪It is a full-featured program.
▪It is very user-friendly and even kids can use it easily.
▪It has a clear horizontal pedigree chart display going back as many generations back in time as you like.
▪ It has an intuitive interface and has the easiest-to-fill-in individual boxes for each individual of the
pedigree chart.You just have to double click on the red pencil to make it pop out and update a
▪You can print list and reports in a very basic mode with Ahnenblatt but they are not the most
gorgeous ones you will find .
▪The program will only display a pedigree chart view but no family view or individual view (this is
provided by the individual edit boxes).
▪You can have these types of charts with Ahnenblatt: ancestor charts, descendant charts and
hour-glass charts but no fan charts.
You will have to tweak the different templates to suit your needs and preferences.
So, ready to give it a try ?